Messy Games
Bring a friend and your game face! Wear clothes you don’t mind getting Messy in!!!

Chili Cook-Off
FMH will be hosting a Chili Cook-Off. We encourage the youth families to make chili and bring it to be entered into the contest or come out and eat lunch and help us serve.

WildFire Youth Gathering
Join us every Sunday, after the second service. Mr Ben and Pastor Jim will be hosting youth, Tiffany Mostyn is providing lunch.

Wildfire Youth Group Gathering (Copy) (Copy)
Join us every Sunday, after 2nd service in the youth room.

Wildfire Youth Group Gathering (Copy)
Join us every Sunday, after 2nd service in the youth room.

Wildfire Youth Group Gathering
Join us every Sunday, after 2nd service in the youth room.

Mystery Youth Christmas Outing
Youth - Join us for a Mystery Christmas Outing.. We are sure to have a Jolly good time!

Help Us Deck the Halls of First Methodist Humble
One Service at 10AM, then stay for lunch and help us Deck the Halls of First Methodist Humble. Please RSVP to Kimberly so we have enough food.

Wildfire Youth Halloween Party
The Ratcliffs host Wildfire Youth Halloween Party. Friends welcome

Fall Fest
The youth will help set up and volunteer at the Community Wide Fall Festival.

Parent Meeting
Parents of WildFire Youth and those thinking about joining us. Please come have lunch and go over a few things with our Youth Directors.

Back to School Pool Party
Join the WildFire Youth at their BACK TO SCHOOL POOL PARTY!!
Hosted by The McCary’s

Serve and Swim
We plan on serving the church right after 2nd service. We will help put the finishing touches on VBS decorations. Then we will go to the McCary’s house and swim and have hotdogs. Can’t wait to serve alongside each other and then hangout.