Blessings For Christmas Day
You are here. What a wonder.
Robed in the everyday majesty
of a newborn.
So beautiful, so soft, so new.
Perfect in the terrifying fragility
that thrills every parent.
“Watch his head!”
“Look at those tiny fingernails.”
God become human,
blinking at strange, new surroundings.
All wisdom and power
You are here. What a wonder.
Robed in the everyday majesty
of a newborn.
So beautiful, so soft, so new.
Perfect in the terrifying fragility
that thrills every parent.
“Watch his head!”
“Look at those tiny fingernails.”
God become human,
blinking at strange, new surroundings.
All wisdom and power
And she knew, somehow,
staring at your eyelashes,
that you were a great reversal,
here to put all things right.
Blessed are we when our hearts
warm with her.
You’re here. And we are too,
newly come to worship
with kings and shepherds
and barn animals and angels
as you light up the world on
this holiest, loveliest night.