I had never heard of Advent until I was twenty-three when I took my first position in a Methodist Church. You see, I was raised in a Baptist background, and we never had Advent. We sang Christmas Carols throughout December and had Christmas Eve services with candles, but there was never an Advent wreath with five candles.
Once I learned about Advent, I was never going back to not celebrating the season. I loved the Advent wreath, the lighting of the candles each Sunday, and the daily devotions as we truly prepared to celebrate the arrival of the Christ child. It truly shaped my love of the season.
Advent is about preparation. If I invite you to my house for dinner, I’ll clean before you come. Advent is about making room in our hearts, minds, and spirits for God’s blessing through Jesus’ birth.
During December and perhaps several months before, we prepare outwardly by decorating, buying and wrapping gifts, and baking, but do we prepare inwardly? In 1st Thessalonians 5:17, Paul tells us to “pray without ceasing.” Brother Lawrence’s book Practicing the Presence of God urges us to remember God throughout the day. My hope for this devotional is that you will draw closer to God during this Advent season and truly experience God's presence.